DuPage County Farm Bureau

Bookmark Contest


Each spring Ag in the Classroom hosts a bookmark contest for 2nd-5th grade students in DuPage County. Check out our previous winners below! If you are interested in having your class participate, please contact Kristina at dupageaitc@dcfb.org for an entry form. The bookmark information and entry forms are available around February each year.

2024 Bookmark Contest Winner

We are excited to announce the winner of our 2024 Bookmark Contest is Evan Lohmann from Madison Elementary! Our theme this year was “If I Were a Farmer” and 334 students participated. Evan received a Visa gift card and his teacher, Mrs. Schroeder, received summer readers for every student in her class donated by the DCFB Foundation. The bookmarks were delivered with the book “Under Your Feet” to DuPage libraries in honor of National Library Week.


2023 Bookmark Contest Winner

2023 Bookmark Contest Winner: Liliana Garlt from Sandburg Elementary
Theme: “My Favorite Food”

A drawing of a cow in front of a house.


2022 Bookmark Contest Winner

2022 Bookmark Contest Winner: Amelia Stemberk from St. Pius X School
Theme: “What’s Growing in My Garden?”

A drawing of an old man in the middle of some garden plots.

2021 Bookmark Contest Winner

2021 Bookmark Contest Winner: Pramisha Sinzali from Lowell Elementary School
Theme: “Delicious Dairy”

A cow is drawn in the letters of dairy.